Movie Review: “Love & Gelato”

Lina Emerson (Susanna Skaggs) just graduated high school and is looking forward to attending MIT in the fall after she and her mother go to Italy for a mother / daughter trip.

Unfortunately, her mother was very sick and before she passed away she made Lina promise to go to Italy by herself.

Wanting to move on with her life, Lina does not want to go to Italy, but, feels she has an obligation to go, and her best friend, Addie (Anjelika Washington), tells her to go (and eventually follows…see the featured image above).

In Italy, Lina meets her mother’s best friend in Italy, Francesca (Valentina Lodovini), who gives her a diary her mother wrote while there, and, she meets a teacher, Howard Riley (Owen McDonnell), and two potential love interests: uber-rich playboy Alesssandro (Saul Nanni) and hopeful chef, Lorenzo (Tobia De Angelis).

Lorenzo, Lina

What follows is a journey of discovery, love, and shocking surprises as…….

Oh to see what happens you can watch this movie on Netflix.

“Love & Gelato” is a fun romcom about self-discovery with beautiful scenery and locations, great food, and……a lot of reading (unless you understand Italian)! Susanna Skaggs is awesome in the lead role!

Go to IMDb for more information.

Drive Safe! Never Forget.

More romcoms…..


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