Movie Review: “No Hard Feelings”

Caution this review and video are R rated.

Maddie Barker (Jennifer Lawrence) inherited the house she grew up in when her mother passed away.

The house is free and clear, but, Maddie needs to work extra hard during the summer rush (as an Uber driver and bartender) to pay the taxes…..which she is currently behind on.

One day her car is repossesed and an Uber driver without a car is clearly not an ideal situation. Yikes!

Maddie’s friend tells her about a job posting where a summer couple will give a car (!) to a young woman who will “date” their introverted son, Percy Becker (Andrew Barth Feldman).

By “date”….they mean “D-A-T-E”……i.e. fuck their son to help him break out of his shell.

Maddie agrees to the terms and that summer in Montauk on Long Island (been there many times as a kid) turns out……….

Oh, to find out what happens you can stream this movie on your fav streamer. We watched it on Amazom Prime.

Percy, Maddie

“No Hard Feelings” is a funny, raunchy, sexy, sweet, coming of age comedy with one amazing fight scene that is NOT for kids….or old people with heart issues…..luckily my heart is fine…..whew! 😉

Go to IMDb for more information.

Drive Safe! Never Forget.

More romcoms…….


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