Movie Review: “Crazy About You”

Jake (Angus McLaren) was about to ask Jasmine (Megan Smart) to marry him when she turned the tables and broke up with him!

Devastated, Jake went to work the next day, where he finds out he has been fired from his job (Jasmine’s dad is / was his boss….).

With nothing to do in the near future, Jake hooks up with a billionaire asshole, Brian King (John Cleese), to walk 2,000 km up the Australian west cost for $200,000 for charity.


On that walk, he meets Sabine……errr, Valerie (Natasha Liu Bordizzo), and, luckily, a walk-about guy, Eli (Alan Little)…..

Jake, Valerie

To see what happens you can STREAM this movie on Amazon Prime.

“Crazy About You” is a fun indie from Australia with a great cast, beautiful scenery, and…..a future Jedi. How can you go wrong?

We LOVED it!

Stream it on Amazon Prime.

Go to IMDb for more information.

Drive Safe! Never Forget.

More indies……..


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